Pokemon Rejuvenation Walkthrough - Part 15 - Ship, Terajuma Shore

You'll immediately arrive in your cabin on the ship, where Adam will come console you and apologise for what just happened. There's a PC and Bed here as well if you want to swap Pokemon.
Outside the Cabin, you'll find an assortment of people. There's Nurse Joy who will heal your Pokemon, Nim who will apologise for what happened, Braixen as well, and there will also be a Breeder who you can battle over and over for Exp.
  • Pokemon Breeder Dibby: Lv 42 Audino, Lv 41 Excadrill, Lv 41 Pidgeot, Lv 40 Talonflame
In the room next yours, Adam will stand there stoically and apologise again,
 In the room 2 doors down from your cabin, you'll find Melia pondering life and stuff. She'll acknowledge she has been on an adventure and stuff. She'll fix your Snag Machine! She'll also ask for a battle on the left deck, and will run off. She wants you to check on Aelita first though
In the room next to Melia's, you'll find Aelita, who will thank you for checking up on her. She will leave for some fresh air since you stank.
Up the Stairs, Valerie will say the same stuff Adam does.
Enter the cabin and talk to Augustus, who will tell you that your mother predicted her death long before it happened or something. He'll then say she left you something, and give you a Mawile! Which has extremely nice typing for this game:
Head outside onto the left deck area and take your place to start the battle with Melia:

  • Enigma Melia: Lv 46 Zoroark (Fortitude), Lv 47 Pupitar (Diligence), Lv 47 Togekiss (Happiness), Lv 47 Gardevoir (Hope), Lv 47 Yanmega (Faith)

After the battle, Melia will thank you for battling. Before she can finish her sentence though, the boat will strike land and Saki will go flying off the front of the ship. 
Aelita will then order everyone off the ship.

Terajuma Shore
You arrive on the shoreline, where the crew will discuss finding Saki. Melia will reveal that you are at Terajuma Island, a place she went to after she was rescued.
There's also a bit about requiring Surf to get through Terajuma Jungle to get to the Kakori Village. Fortunately, Melia has a spare Surf HM, and we have multiple Gym leaders on board. After this set of dialogue, you are free to explore the beach. Nim will be sitting near the coast line, and will take you back to the Floria Region if you need to. There is also some grass here and handy Pokemon:

  • Available Pokemon
    • Grass: Krabby, Nincada
Pick up this Grass Gem whilst you are here as well:
Speak to Valerie to initiate the Gym Battle - She'll take a small boat and meet you at a tiny Wave Arena kind of thing:
  • Marine Biologist Valerie: Lv 47 Politoed, Lv 47 Rotom-W, Lv 47 Lanturn, Lv 47 Lapras, Lv 48 Milotic, Lv 46 Slowbro
    • Signature Move: Tidal Wave
    • Strategy: Grab yourself a strong Grass type Pokemon, otherwise grab a nincada from the beach and get yourself a Shedinja, which walls many of her Pokemon. 
After the battle, you get the Dewdrop badge, and Pokemon leveled 1-50 will obey you.
Melia will do a fly over and drop HM 03 Surf on your head:
They will leave you on the island by yourself as usual. Take the boat to get back to the shoreline. Now you can either take this opportunity to go back and do some exploring now that you have Surf, Rock Smash and Cut, or proceed on with the storyline. At this stage I will continue with the story line, and cover the things you can do with Surf later on.
Make your way into the Jungle through the exit on the left.

Terajuma Jungle
Before anything happens, a cut scene will occur showing a very furious Madame X, and Nastasia bringing a new recruit.........it's Ren, that traitorous idiot.
She will blabber on about not failing and stuff, and then something about a prophecy. She'll end with the line. "Project Rejuvenation is on track"......
Anyway, back at the jungle, proceed ahead to where the group is, and they will start a dialogue, talking about the sign with the K on it.
As per usual, everyone runs off (Adam jumps in the water and swims it), and you have to navigate the area by yourself. Nim will arrive late, and start showing signs of concern. Before that, let's go through the wild Pokemon:
  • Available Pokemon
    • Grass: Spinarak, Oddish, Hoothoot, Venonat, Kricketune
    • Surf: Carvanha, Basculin
Also note that the Forest Field effect will be in play here (Sawsbuck thrive in this condition):
  • Grass and Bug attacks are strengthened.
  • Cut does additional damage.
  • Secret Power can put Pokemon to sleep
  • Nature's power should produce Energy Ball.
  • Woodhammer's accuracy is 100%.
  • Sap Sipper heals gradually.
There's few things of note to do around Terajuma Jungle, e.g. pick up some of these items
Hyper Potion:

Battle some trainers:

  • Tourist Johnathan: Lv 49 Pikachu, Lv 50 Raichu

Once you are done, exploring, head upwards on the map and arrive where the crew is. Melia will explain that these vines are not natural and weren't here before when she was. My man Adam will try and prove that he is manly by charging at the vines and getting blown all the way back. She'll suggest that you take the long way around.
Head to the left of the map and surf down until you find a clearing and enter it to get to Deep Terajuma Jungle
Deep Terajuma Jungle
Talk the the crew and they'll suggest you move forward. You won't get very far though, as there will be a sleeping Vileplume in the way. Melia will suggest that rather than being a rafflesia bloom, it will be a sleeping Vileplume instead, and that you go back to the vines from before and interact with one of the Spice Pots to grab some Spice Powder, which you can sprinkle on the Vileplume to wake up (NB: You must either catch these or defeat them, otherwise if you run away it will just go back to sleep)

Once you clear the Vileplume, the crew will tell you to go on alone. Who needs friends anyway right?
Deep Terajuma Jungle is huge, with many clearings and exits. Exit through the gate on the left. There's a different selection of wild Pokemon on offer here as well:
  • Available Pokemon
    • Grass: Beedrill, Butterfree, Foongus
    • Water: Carvanha
In the next area, you can battle Pokemon Rangers:
  • Pokemon Ranger Ciel: Lv 44 Persian, Lv 44 Golduck, Lv 45 Sharpedo
  • Pokemon Ranger Diandra: Lv 41 Fearow, Lv 44 Pidgeot, Lv 42 Tangrowth
The easiest way to get through Terajuma Jungle is to follow the path to the exit in the North, then follow the rocky terrain across the bridge and down, and exit right. (I will cover the rest of this place at a later date since I haven't gone through it myself; there are also a lot of components to this map that aren't available yet...). Pick up this Reverse Candy though:
Pick up this Rare Candy though:

There is another Hiker you can battle:
  • Hiker Edwin: Lv 49 Onix, Lv 51 Golem
Before you can exit, Melia will catch up with you, and say the culprit is a Carnivine, which can't usually be found in Aevium. The Carnivine will run off, follow it.
In the new clearing, you'll catch up with the crew, who have cornered the culprit Carnivine. Just as Melia is about to battle the Carnivine, Nim will suddenly explode from Psychic overload and turn into stone, and all the people from the distortion world will come back (Geara, Zetta, Jenner).
Geara will be smug and stuff, and start taunting you. Zetta will create a Dimensional Rift around the Carnivine. Everyone else will take the trainers, leaving you to deal with the Dimensional Rift Carnivine (standard team play; letting the strongest on the team take the strongest opponent):
  • Dimensional Rift Carnivine: Lv 71 Carnivine (D): Cut, Power Whip, Stun Spore, ???
    • Strategy: Paralyse, then welt away at it with Fire and Flying moves, shouldn't be too difficult.
After the battle, Zetta will be incredulous that you won against his DR. There will be more soap opera stuff between Melia and Jenner. Geara will grab Nim, and demand a trade: Nim for Melia in 2 weeks at Valor Mountain.
They will disappear, and Melia will say let's go to Valor Mountain, even though it sounds like a trap. Head further north and you'll arrive at Kakori Village. Before that, grab that nice Super Repel:
Head upwards into Kakori Village.

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