Pokemon Rejuvenation Walkthrough - Part 19 - Kristilline Town, Battlefield of the Gods

Tesla's Villa
You'll wake up in one of the upstairs bedrooms (not sure how you got moved....). Venam's sprite will still be on the battle arena, but I think this is a scripting error. Heal your Pokemon and head downstairs. You'll find Melia and Venam sitting at a table. Talk to her, and she'll tell you they've been working on a plan to save everyone
They'll mention that Tesla herself has gone after Team Xen, and that you should focus on getting Magma Drift, which you might find at a Retro TM shop in Kristilline Town. As you are discussing this, a flyer will appear on the table. They'll suggest you go there, with caution. Head to the West Gate to proceed to Kristilline Town. Inside the Gate, you'll see a bunch of Police Officers getting ready to go arrest Angie:
Kristilline Town
As you approach the bridge with the two Arceus statues, the girl in the corner will call you over and tell you off for walking into the town willynilly:
Halfway through her speech, an automated voice will call, indicating Angie knows you are here. She tells you that you won't be able to leave again (but you can though, you can freely walk out that gate). Proceed down the path. All the citizens will say the same thing - it's snowing on a tropical island, which is weird. Continue across the next bridge, and you'll come to a cross section between up and down, next to the frozen house. (DW about the house, the resident won't say anything). Up north,the Gym/Church will be closed as Angie is preparing for a baptism or something.
Head down again, and you'll come to another crossroads. The right path will take you to the Pokemon Centre, Mart and the beach. There's nothing else exciting going on here for now, so go the PC if you need to and head on the left path. In one of the houses you can find a Super Repel:
Continue up the path until you reach where Venam and Melia are standing, which will be in front of the shop that sells retro TMs. Before you can go inside though, the house gets frozen (Elsa Stahhhhp):
An annoucement will sound: The house has been frozen because of illegal TM/HM bartering apparently. Venam will run off to give Angie "a piece of her mind" and Melia will run after her, leaving you all by yourself. Sigh. Head back alongst the path you came and go to the church, which will now be open. Enter this

Church of Theolia
As you walk in, you'll notice the police officers from before are now frozen. Elsa? Anyway, continue straight down the corridor and into the next room. There will be a million maids standing in the corridor and more frozen police officers. Head straight to catch up with Venam/Melia, speak to Angie to begin the dialogue.
She'll greet you guys, and say some religious stuff. Venam will get offended that she called her Veronica and not Venam. Melia will question her role as a gym leader and ask if the scaring people and stuff is cool, and she will do the same to Melia. Venam will get frustrated and swear at her. Big mistake.
So Angie is angry now. She'll spout more religious nonsense, and then ask you to show her your power. She'll create a Dimensional Rift, and you'll be automatically sucked into it.
Grounds of Theolia
You'll be transported to a weird place, and Angie will float onto some rocks and talk to you. She'll say some more nonsense and disappear. This is fun.
Anyway, there are wild Pokemon here:

  • Available Pokemon
    • Cave: Swinub

Continue up the path that is available. You remember those Sliding Ice puzzles from Pryce's Gym back in Gold and Silver? Well, they're back. Slide across the ice up the top to flip a switch.
Go down and continue right, then go up again to flip the next switch.
Slide down to the bottom of the map to pick yourself up this TM 79 Frost Breath
Head back up to the middle of the map, where the stairs will now become available for you. To get there, start in this spot, slide left, up and left again, then proceed up the stairs.
Proceed up the stairs, and you'll find Venam placed on the sacrificing table (just like they did in the opening scene with Marianette).
Angie will say that you have arrived early, and order the maids to occupy you. They engage you in a double battle:

  • Servant Azaria (Doubles): Lv 58 Vespiquen, Lv 59 Armaldo
  • Servant Rebecca (Doubles): Lv 59 Avalugg, Lv 60 Aurorus

After the battle, Angie will vaporise the two maids! This will be her excuse
She'll tell you she hasn't sacrificed Melia yet, but will do so soon and disappear. Cera the maid will tell you Angie is waiting 2 floors above for you and will also disappear. Venam will jump off the table and chase them. You should follow up the stairs.

Grounds of Theolia B6
The place will begin to break apart. Follow the right path upwards until you reach a set of stairs, and proceed. In the next scene, you'll run into Venam who will say the exact same thing you were thinking. She'll run off.
Catch up with her in a little bit, and you'll be standing in front of someone behind bars. He'll introduce himself as Kreiss.
He'll tell you that everything you see here is fake. Venam will not care and say she wants to smash everything up anyway, at which point Kreiss will offer to help. Venam will take you aside and ask what you want to do:
I've always set him free, so if anyone knows what happens if you don't please comment or let me know somehow. Anyway, once you tell him, he'll say that he's not a trap set by Angie. Venam will get him out, and he'll give you TM 101 Rock Climb for your troubles.
He'll then run away because of "duty" or something. Venam will be furious and chase after him. Proceed up the stairs on the right.

Grounds of Theolia B4
Walk down the hall and you'll notice the way is blocked by some shutters. To lower the shutters you need to talk to the four maids on either side and deduce their riddle. F*** me.

    • TL: My Sister to the right of me has seen the light, but the one below my sister has seen the darkness.
    • BL: My sister to the right of me never lies, but the one above her is...
    • BR: My sister to the left of me is a saint, but my sister above her ....
    • TR: My sister in front of me is a dirty liar. My sister to the left of me is a saint.
  • Right Maids (ALL BAD)
    • TL: My Sister to the right of me is a dirty heathen. Am I good or bad?
    • BL: My Sister behind me is a Murderer. Am I good or bad?
    • BR: My Sister to the left of me is nothing but trouble. Am I good or bad?
    • TR: My Sister in front of me is a dirty liar. Am I good or bad?

When you get the full puzzle right, a notice will come up (one for both), and the gate will open:
Proceed through the gate and up the stairs.

Grounds of Theolia B3
Remember the Sootopolis Gym from Ruby and Sapphire? It's back. These are relatively easy, here are some diagrams I have drawn to do this part.
(Note: you need to strep through the wall for the last bit for the stairs to break down)
Proceed up the stairs at the end.

Grounds of Theolia B2
Head upwards and you'll see its Melia's turn to be on the sacrificing table. Angie will be surprised once again that you have come early (lel).
She'll begin to doubt herself. The maids will once again stall you for time by battling you, difference being Venam will join you for the double battle:

  • Servant Mary (Doubles): Lv 60 Aegislash (Yes it transforms)
  • Servant Sarah (Doubles): Lv 58 Zebstrika, Lv 59 Wobbuffet
    • Venam has a Lv 59 Dragalge (that will keep sludge waving you)

After the battle, Angie will shred them like she did with the other two. Angie will thank them for the time that she bought her though
She'll begin sacrificing Melia to Arceus and chant all this religious stuff. Melia will curiously say "This...is familiar". Melia will resist and there will be a weird scene where she transforms between herself.....and Marianette! After Angie shouts in disbelief, the lights will go out and when they come back on, Angie and Melia will have disappeared. Venam will walk off to go find her.
Proceed up the stairs at the end of the room.

Ground of Theolia B1
You'll see more crazy mapping in this floor. There are also Delibirds/Spheals here as well. Anyway, proceed straight up the path. You can chat to Cera, who will say some stuff to you:
Proceed up the stairs when you slaughter enough penguins lel.

Battlefield of the Gods
That name though. Anyway there's finally a recovery unit here for you to use. It also means stuffs about to happen, so be ready. Proceed up the staircase and find a battle arena. Venam will be tending to Melia who will appear catatonic. If you aren't ready for this battle, skip around to the other side of the room and enter the Dimensional Rift, which will take you back to the Church and back to Civilisation.

If you are ready though, step onto the battle arena. Angie will talk some trash and freeze the field, then the battle will begin.

  • Faithful Servant Angie: Lv 60 Abomasnow, Lv 60 Froslass, Lv 61 Glaceon, Lv 61 Mamoswine, Lv 61 Aurorus, Lv 62 Walrein
    • Signature Move: Cold Truth - Ridiculously strong Ice move
    • Strategy: Use Eruption/Flame Burst to break the field otherwise this challenge is nearly impossible, especially on Intense Mode. 

After the battle, Angie will go nuts. She'll attack you and try and freeze you on the spot. You skilfully dodge this attack by stepping back (and hitting that fadeawayyyyy).
The Crew decide to run away to prevent getting frozen. You'll be teleported to Grounds of Theolia B2. Run down the stairs and away from the lady. You'll have spikes of freeze things as you run. Keep running and climbing down stairs until you reach this room:
Venam will urge Melia to come out of her coma state but fail. Angie will catch up with you. Yikes.
Just as Angie is about to freeze yo ass, Valerie and her Lapras show up. Apparently the guy you freed earlier told Valerie to get here pronto, so I guess it's a good thing we saved his ass?
Angie won't be done though, and will still try and freeze you. At which point, Valerie will make Lapras Ice Beam as hard as it can, and use Angie's field effect against her. She'll turn the lady into a motherf***** popsicle.
Melia will come to afterwards and be all confused like. The crew will suggest we all get the hell out of here.....and leave you behind again. Typical. Make your way back up to the Battlefield of the Gods and exit via the Dimensional Rift.

You'll arrive back at the Church. Exit down, and walk back out the Church front steps. Before you do though, pick up the NeverMeltIce here:
Kristilline Town
Outside, everyone will notice the weather has changed from snowing to summer paradise. Melia will conclude Angie was the one that brought the bleak weather with her. Kreiss will be here and stuff. Melia will remember that we still haven't apprehended the Magma Drift (weird choice of words).
Melia will then start to show signs that Nim did before, and Venam will rush her off to Tesla's Villa. Kreiss will note that something is off about Melia. He'll then thank you for saving everyone by giving you the Glacier Badge:
Kreiss will reveal that he too is a Ice type Gym Leader, who came to Kristilline Town to investigate why there were two Ice Gym Leaders, after being tipped by some "gothic Lolita chick a few weeks back". He'll head home to Neverwinter land. Valerie will mention that we shouldn't beat ourselves up for not getting Magma Drift and meet the others back at the Villa.

......Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd that Ladies and Gentlemen, completes Pokemon Rejuvenation Version 5 - A tale of Fire and Ice (GoT anyone?).

  • Rock Climb won't be fully functional
  • To start v6 - Meet the crew at Tesla's Villa.

The new update v6 will be out in a matter of days, so keep your eyes peeled. In the mean time, I'll go through some catch up on other things in the game for now.

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