Pokemon Rejuvenation Walkthrough - Part 20 - Catching Up (Part 1)

Alright, so now that we have finished the main storyline (for now anyway) let's go back and explore some areas (now that we have Surf/Rock Climb/Cut/Rock Smash)

Purify Chamber
Before we do anything though, I just wanted to tell you guys about the Purify Chamber in your PC. Basically this lets you Purify your Shadow Pokemon whilst you are playing the game, which is really handy if you don't have the time to take it around in your Party. I'm still not 100% about how it works, but you just put the Shadow Pokemon in the middle and 4 Pokemon around it, and it will slowly Purify. You can have up to 9 Pokemon being purified at the same time, which is cool.
You'll get a Notification when it's done, and simply go to your PC to claim the purified Pokemon. The Shadow Pokemon you purify get a Special Move as per Pokemon Colosseum:

  • Sewaddle: Protect, Will-O-Wisp, Worry Seed, Bug Bite
  • Bonsly: Rock Throw, Shift Gear,  Tackle, Fake Tears
  • Tangela: Poison Powder, Wild Charge, Growth, Mega Drain
  • Ponyta: Aqua Jet, Stomp, Flare Blitz
  • Feebas: Water Pulse, Psychic, Aqua Ring, Ice Beam
  • Vanillite: Uproar, Will-O-Wisp, Mist, Avalanche
  • Chesnaught: Needle Arm, Take Down, Seed Bomb, Spiky Shield
  • Vivillon: Psybeam, Supersonic, Draining Kiss, Wish
  • Froakie: Bounce, X-Scissor, Quick Attack, Water Pulse
  • Toxicroak: Faint Attack, Zen Headbutt + 2 other moves I forget
  • Girafarig: Flamethrower, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Psybeam

Oceana Pier
At the end of one of the Piers, you'll find a Buizel gazing out into the ocean. Give it a GourmetTreat to coax it to join your party.
Gearen City
Go to the Casino, head up the Left wing and into the 2nd room. There will be a girl there with a Mareep. As long as you have been to Goldenleaf Town, she'll entrust you with the Mareep. Fabio tho.
Now that you have enough money, you can also cash out the casino prizes.

  • TMs: Flash, Substitute, Facade (Already have from Marianette so don't waste your money)
  • Pokemon: Espurr, Seel, Helioptile
Head downstairs into the R room, that was previously inaccessible as you didn't have Surf. You can surf/fish here now (although it's just Finneon). Surf across the pool to grab the item (Water Stone):
If you head down to the Gearen Sewers, and speak to this girl, she'll tell you that the Grimer in the Toxic Water are drawn to your GourmetTreat. It'll come towards the sure, and dislike the GourmetTreat, and proceed to fight you:
You can also go Check out the DayCare Centre, which is now open if you want to breed for egg moves and such. Bearing in mind that TMs are garbage in this game, this might be a good way to make some Pokemon at least, useful:

The Grandfather at the Train Station who you who his daughter in the tree will thank you for finding her, and give you a Smoke Ball.

Goldenleaf Forest
You can go through and catch the Pokemon that you didn't catch the first time through. Surf over here to grab this:
As you make your way down, you'll notice the area's been covered with more grass. If you stand here, the Dimensional Rift from before will come towards you and attack. It will be the same Lv 55 (D) Gyarados
After the battle, a message will show up saying the Gyarados is finally resting in peace. You can catch Basculin using the Good Rood here (No magikarp though). Surf to the other side of the lake for a forest clearing into the Golden Ruin, where the Statue of Mesprit will be:
There are also patches of grass in the Golden Ruins, which means wild Pokemon:
  • Available Pokemon:
    • Grass: Weepinbell, Pidgeotto, Oddish, Spewpa, Deerling
Goldenwood Cave
Not much to do here, there's a orphan standing in the corner here that you can send to Maman's Camp
Forest Entrance
Again, catch the Pokemon you didn't catch on the first play through. If you surf in the pond, you can find yourself some Psyducks (Golduck's Cloud Nine ability may come into handy later on).

Route 2
Surf on the pond and find some Surskits, which are interesting to breed. you can also catch Lumineon with the Good Rod if you are keen. Surf to also grab TM 46 Thief from this pond:
Amethyst Cave
Enter and go right, then up the stairs which we previously couldn't as we didn't have surf. In the pond here you can find Remoraids. You can also send the orphan kid to Maman's Camp:
Head down the path, and there will be a cave and a ladder. Head into the cave and head upwards and you'll find a Xen grunt operating a machine:
He'll tell you that he was kicked out of Xen after you stormed their base. He'll then go on about another story his Mother told him about Amethyst Cave - Apparently there are tonnes of graves here. The machine is somehow linked to this, and you need 2 gemstones to activate it.

Head down the ladder and into the cave on the right and you'll be approached by a drone. It'll recognise that you aren't Keta, and initiate defense measures by battling you:

  • Security Bot Drone: Lv 66 Regirock
After the battle, the drone will selfdestruct, allowing you to explore the room. This appears to be Keta's Secret Study. You can read his journal, detailing his demise and some interesting passages about "The Prophecy". There's also the stone in the corner you can grab:

 Head out again and continue down the path to the next ladder. After that, head down and to the right to enter the next Gem Hanger, where another Drone will apprehend you for not being Keta.
  • Security Drone Bot: Lv 66 Registeel
The bot will selfdestruct after the battle. Head upwards to grab the second Gemstone
Take the Gemstones back to the machine and place them, and the machine will be active. Save, a and then activate the machine. Which will cause a Cave to form underneath the place you are on. Like the White girl that always die first in movies, he'll run into the cave without any hesistation:
You'll arrive at the Isolated Staircase, which is just one long stair case. Proceed through the top entrance when you are done with the wild Pokemon here:

  • Available Pokemon
    • Cave: Swoobat, Sandslash
In the next room, the grunt will be made because the place isn't as he envisioned. After that, some bitch will drop a truth bomb on you two:
The grunt's mother will appear as a ghost and tell him that he was a disappointment. Your mother will also appear and say the same stuff to you......awks. You'll then be engaged in a battle with your deceased mother...
  • Superstar Nancy: Lv 56 Aromatisse, Lv 57 Clefable, Lv 60 Gardevoir, Lv 56 Sylveon, Lv 58 Slurpuff
After the battle, Nancy will launch into a rant about how children shouldn't attack their mothers, and the two ghosts will transform together. The grunt will say he thought Zetta had destroyed this one...whatever that means. You'll then be forced into a battle with the Dimensional Rift Chandelure
  • Dimensional Rift Chandelure: Lv 77 Chandelure (D) - has Protean as its ability
After the battle, the DR Chandelure will thank you, and the grunt will want to go into the next room. A Litwick will suddenly appear, and talk to you telephathically. It'll tell you that Chandelure was it's Mother, and was transformed by Zetta into a monster. The Litwick will then want to join your party!
Head into the next room and you'll reach Graves' Peak, which is an insanely cool map, with Sheridan Village as a backdrop.
Talk to the Grunt, who will be overjoyed he found his Mother's grave. Unfortunately, Madame X will also find out that he is no longer with Team Xen, and somehow, will make him vaporise.....but not before he is able to give you a Shiny Stone though. And that's all for this storyline....for now.

Keep going through the cave, and Rock Climb this section to grab TM 01 Hone Claws.
Surf down this canal, and you'll find tonnes of Scientists studying the rocks. They will be intently studying the rocks except one of them, who will battle you:
  • Analyst Sherley: Lv 46 Magneton, Lv 47 Steelix
Head to the end of the section and you'll come to a large door that will be shut. There will also be a Solrock here, that you can interact with for the price of a GourmetTreat:
Sheridan Village
Head up the Rocky terrain area and Rock Climb down into the cave into Caratos Mountain Chamber.

There are wild Pokemon Here

  • Available Pokemon: Sandslash

Pick up this Heart Scale. There isn't much else happening here for now.

Purity Forest
Grab a Pokemon with Cut, and head over. Before you head down though, step on this area to grab the Ancient Wing, which we will use on a different quest.
Cut the tree down and proceed south. You'll find another orphan in need of rescuing, and send them to Lost Camp with Maman.
Corta ForestRemember that Ancient Wing? Grab that, and head to the Kingdra Statue in Corta Forest. Interact with it and you'll awaken the Gatekeeper Kingdra, who will challenge you to a battle:

  • Gatekeeper: Lv 52 Ancient Kingdra

After the battle, the Kingdra will open a bridge to the other side of the stream and grant you passage. Before you go to the other side though, Surf left and grab this TM 48 Round:
Head upwards into the Research Centre, and grab this hidden Blue Shard.
You can also find Fennekin here as well as part of your Chase Down Fennekin thing:
Anyway, this little village kind of thing is small. There's a central ceremonial bell and four houses to explore. The Miltanks standing around will convert any Oran Berries you have into MooMoo Milk. Berries are kinda rare in this game, so not sure if this is worth the trade.
The bottom Right house just has a recovery unit for you to use after the Kingdra Battle. The Bottom Left house however, gives you valuable information that there is a cave above the Research Centre that needs something to light it up. Make Sure you have Flash on you (1000 coins from Casino).
The Scientist guy in the Top Left house will give you an ItemFinder.
Top Right building is the Research Centre. It's empty, so proceed up the stairs and out onto the roof, and go into the Caratos Cove. The cave will be empty, except for these three Zubat who are just chilling on the roof. To wake them up, use Flash when prompted, and you'll upset them and the Crobat and be forced into battle.

  • Poke Gang Crobat: Lv 33 Zubat, Lv 33 Zubat, Lv 33 Zubat, Lv 33 Zubat, Lv 52 Crobat
After the battle, the Crobat and 2 other Zubat will fly away, whilst one Zubat will latch onto you.

Route 3
Down Route 3 you'll find another Orphan to send back to Lost Camp:
Goldenleaf Town
If you haven't already, speak to the folks to grab the free stuff. There's also the orphan on the North Right of the map to rescue:
If you go into the Resident's house now he'll want to give away his Pichu. Time to get that Mascot though:
If you surface on the ponds/water, you can find Frillish here, which are pretty cool.

Wispy Path
Surf right at the right pond area to grab this item:
In the pond in the middle of the route, grab the TM 15 Shadow Claw (first Useful TM), and send the orphan to Lost Camp.

If you have the patience, if you chat to the people on this Route 500x, something special will happen at Wispy Tower - Supposedly a Spiritomb appears but I can't confirm this..... just yet. Anyway, head up the top rocky portion with Rock Climb to access the Wispy Ruins. There are wild Pokemon here as per usual (just the usual stuff e.g. Boldore, nothing amazing). You'll find a guy casually staring at the water:
The path splits after you Surf upwards to Left and Right. On the left go up the stairs and the Hiker will challenge you to a battle for some reason:

  • Hiker Elias: Lv45 Boldore, Lv 46 Graveler

Head up again and you'll see some weird grate stuff. You can rock climb this apparently. Climb the next set and you can go left or right. You won't be able to go right any further since the path is blocked off by Boulders that require strength.  Loop right to go behind the Waterfall, and you'll find a mudkip! Interact with it and it'll run off:
Whilst there's a break in the flow, there are some weird wild Pokemon here:
  • Available Pokemon: Bronzor, Graveler, Boldore
Anyway, you can keep chasing the mudkip, who will now appear in front of the waterfall. Talk to it and it'll run off again:
Mudkip will be waiting at the entrance part but to the right:
Surf back to the Left area:

Go back to the surfing part, and head right down the ladder. You'll arrive at some sort of maze area, with trainers:

  • Hardcore Trainer Delson: Lv 46 Zweilous, Lv 48 Shelgon
  • Enthusiast Lavere: Lv 47 Delcatty, Lv 47 Lapras, Lv 45 Lampent
  • Scavenger Seva: Lv 48 Golem, Lv 47 Onix, Lv 47 Cranidos
Climb up the Rock Grate bit up the Top Left of the map to grab TM 23 Smack Down:
Rock Climb onto this tiny ledge to grab this ladder
beat Scavenger Seva to grab this Heart Scale:
Go to the left of the map and break the rock to access the maassive staircase into the next room. Here, Super Nerd Dev will be waiting to challenge you. Exit the stairs after you beat him:
  • Super Nerd Dev: Lv 47 Jolteon, Lv 48 Dedenne

When you get out, you'll see that you are on a ledge, with nothing going on here. I thought the ladder you grabbed before was for use here, but it's not. Head back down anyway and accost the Mudkip:
Head back up into the room with the Scientist guy,, which is where the mudkip will be:
Go up the stairs to the summit, which is where the Mudkip will be:
Finally, head back down to the original Mudkip was in. It'll be tired from running from you, and attack:
Yay, you have a mudkip now! lel. Exit out of the Wispy Ruins and head alongst the path rocky path towards Goldenleaf Town. As always, behind the Waterfall there is a cave. The ladder will be blocked by boulders, but there is a strange tree in the middle of the room to the left. It will prompt you to show your bag to it:
A Pokemon will swipe a GourmetTreat from your bag and a battle will initiate with a Lv 30 Phantump (You can do this multiple times - not sure if bug). Anyway at this point I grabbed a Pokemon with DIG (or catch a Sandslash in the room before the Peak) and headed back to Amethyst Cave to the Graveyard Peak. Use Dig here:
It'll then prompt prompt you to use the ladder that you have from earlier, which will allow you to enter the Secret grave, a grave for Dylan, who was apparently #1. Narcissa's TM will be here as well, Shadow Ball (Finally, a Decent TM):

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