Pokemon Rejuvenation Walkthrough - Part 21 - Catching Up (Part 2)

Wispy Ruins (Gym Side)
Surf across the water above the Waterfall to grab this Heart Scale
Route 4
There will be another kid here for you to send to Lost Camp (Seriously though that's a lot of kids...)
At the Lost Camp, you can donate money to Maman to expand the camp - once you donate $5000 to the camp, Maman will be able to expand it! Come back after to check it out
If you have been saving the orphans like I have been instructing, you'll be pleasantly surprised by some of them. This guy will sell you Quick Claws for $100:
Most importantly, this guy will sell you evolution stones, which are in short supply in Aevium. It's only Fire, Water and Leaf, but that will cover a lot of Pokemon. [NB: Lost Camp will be temporarily disabled in v6 so stock up on your Stones before you update]
You can farm Money by catching a Meowth here on Route 4 or elsewhere, and spamming Pay Day against Pokemon Breeder Dibby's Audino.

Akuwa Town
This place is still deserted after BlackSteeple. Anyway, not much to do here, head around to the left side of the gym to send this orphan to Lost Camp. There's also a Heart Scale on the Rock she is examining:
Head to the beach, where you can Good Rod Fish for some Luvdisc/Corphish. You'll also find a Corsola that will interact with you for a GourmetTreat:
If you surface upwards, you'll find a cave entrance and an item., The item will be a Hyper Potion:
Akuwa Cave
Large parts of this cave are inaccessible at the moment as you don't have surface, however there are wild Pokemon here [NB: Apparently Akuwa Cave will be shut temporarily as of V6 so take full advantage now]:

  • Available Pokemon
    • Cave: Buizel, Floatzel, Swinub, Delibird, Golduck
    • Surf: Lumineon
    • Fish: Seel (Good Rod)

You can also pick up this Reverse Candy and Ice Heal. You can keep clicking on it to grab multiple Ice Heals, so I feel like this is a bug (which you should take full advantage of):
Anyway there isn't much else to do here, so exit the cave and head right towards Route 11.

Route 11
Remember those two massive Routes in Ruby and Sapphire between Mossdeep City and Pacifidilog Town? That's what this route feels like. Anyway, wild Pokemon:

  • Available Pokemon
    • Surf: Wingull, Pelipper
    • Fish: Goldeen (Good Rod)
There's a guy staring at a rock that will battle you at the top part of this route:
  • Black Belt Sheen: Lv 45 Primeape, Lv 46 Machamp
There's no point Surfing downwards on Roue 11 as you'll just encounter a dead end without Dive. If you keep Surfing Right though, you'll reach Akora Shore:

Akora Shore
You gotta fight some trainers before you do anything though
  • Swimmer Donna: Lv 45 Dewgong, Lv 46 Lapras
  • Swimmer Selene: Lv 42 Chinchou, Lv 44 Relicanth
Next to this island thing, grab the Heart Scale:
Surf to the Top Right and you'll arrive at an island with a forest entrance into Akora Forest, where someone has lost their Oshawott in:
Keep Surfing down and you'll reach Route 11 again. There is an island with a red shard on it

Akora Forest
As soon as you enter, you'll see something moving in the grass. It'll disappear though. There are wild Pokemon in this tall grass however:
  • Available Pokemon:
    • Grass; Farfetch'd, Sewaddle, Sawsbuck, Swadloon, Buneary
    • Surf: Surskit
    • Fish: Goldeen (Good Rod)
Cut down the treat and head right towards a girl - she'll tell you that the woods are impassable at the moment, but the big tree in front of her is filled with Mankeys.
She'll tell you that Mankey's love to build things, and if you befriend them they might help you. She'll start you off by giving you a Chestnut:
Offer the Chestnut to the tree and a Mankey will pop out - you can either battle it or request help, at which point the highly intelligent Mankey will build a set of stairs for you (if only real life construction workers were this efficient) and run off. Head down the path and cut the trees as you go. You can find the next Chestnut here:
Head right along the path past the pond, and cut down the trees. There will be a trainer battle here:

  • Fragrant Lady Shiela: Lv 46 Venasaur, Lv 45 Tangrowth
Head past her to grab the 2nd chestnut:
Go back to the middle section where there will be two Mankey Trees. Give the Chestnuts away and the Mankey will build stairs to the next section of the jungle. The left path will lead to a dead end and another chestnut:
Go to the tree on the right and give the Mankey the Chestnut, who will build another stair case for you. Up on the next level, head all the way to the left and into the house to start the Oshawott Quest:
The ldy from the outside will walk in mid conversation to claim the Oshawott, who will run away from the trainer. She'll tell you not to follow her, but you know you want that Oshawott, so go follow her. The next Chestnut will be up the path here on the rock:
Interact with the Tree right next to it, and this time Mankey will pave a path for you on the right:
Follow the path right, and you'll be faced with another trainer battle:

  • Kimono Girl Sarai: Lv 47 Roserade, Lv 48 Tropius
Keep following the path and you'll enter into a little forest clearing, and then into another long path upwards. Keep following upwards until you reach this point, where dialogue will begin:
It'll scroll forward, and reveal the girl is trying to coax the Oshawott to join Team Xen. The girl will transform into a Team Xen Grunt, and say she remembers you from the Goldenwood Forest Incident. She'll then challenge you to a battle:

  • Team Xen Amelia: Lv 44 Girafarig (Shadow), Lv 45 Vigoroth, Lv 45 Vileplume
After the battle, she'll say screw it all and tell you that you can have the Oshawott. Thank for the permission young lady. She'll storm off. Before you do anything though, let's grab that nice TM 60 Quash.
Okay, now talk to the Oshawott and it'll want to join your party.

Route 10 (Surf right from Terajuma Island)
Surf onto this little island and grab this Hyper Potion:
Surf upwards and grab this Water Stone:
Head right and down, and you'l run into this trainer:
  • Kimono Girl Razia: Lv 47 Roserade, Lv 47 Tropius
You won't be able to go much further right since the strong current will push you back.

Deep Terajuma Jungle
This place is huge......[AREA UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
Surf over her and sprinkle some Spice Powder to battle a Shiny Vileplume, which is pretty cool:
Keep surfing upwards to grab these Custap Berries as well. Apparently you can't plant berries though.
Back at the place where you found the Tropius, if you go into the top hut the Ranger will give you a White Flute:

Secret Shore/Sheridan Badlands
Right, time to find Crawli's TM. Head into Sheridan Badlands and amek your way to this tree. You can only access it from the top (Finding this motherf***** tree nearly made me chuck my computer out).:
Head inside to pick up the TM 81 X-Scissor:
Exit down the bottom, and you won't be able to go back inside from the front.

Kakori Village, Route 6, Jirukala Cave, Route 5, Telia Town
Nothing new here....

Kristilline Town
Now that Angie is gone, you can finally fully explore this place. Pick up this item here:
The house next to it will unfreeze as you interact with it. Walk inside, and it'll be the Help Center.

  • Disturbance: Ever since Angie has been taken out there has been a disturbance coming from the church.
    • Go to the Church. As soon as you step inside,. you'll find members of Team Anti-Assist in there tracking down a woman. They'll say that their plan is to free Angie so that she will shut down the Help Centre and prevent people getting Help Requests completed.
    • Head down to where Angie is and you'll find the grunts circled around the Angie Icicle.
    • They'll realise that they don't have a plan to defrost her, and realise that you are standing there. They'll initiate a double battle:
      • Team Anti Assist Ann (doubles): Lv53 Raichu, Lv 56 Weavile
      • Team Anti Asisst Drew (doubles): Lv 56 Magneton, Lv 56 Magnezone
    • After the battle they'll leave because they scared.
    • Reward: $5750, Revival Herb
  • Quiz - Someone really wants someone to take the quiz to see if its any good or not
    • Head to Resident 1's house in Telia Town and speak to the guy on the coach:
    • Questions
      • How many houses are present in Kakori Village?
        • 5, 6, 9, 10 - 9 Houses
      • Which emotion can Valor Mountain feel?
        • Jealousy, Melancholy, Calmness, Excitement - Calmness
      • How many help requests are there in Kakori Village
        • 5, 6, 7, 8 - 5
    • As a prize the guy will offer to tell you who Madame X Truly is...But before he can, a person appears in the middle of the room.
    • She'll move towards the dude and teleport him away, and the quest will be complete.
    • Reward: $3500
  • Defend me - taking a stroll in Jirukala Cavern, then some guys in white showed up and the person don't want to die (trap much?)
    • Head over to Jirukala Cavern and to this section on the other side of the stream. There will be multiple Team Anti-Assist People here to battle:
      • Team Anti-Assist Layla: Lv 59 Bellossom, Lv 60 Vileplume
      • Team Anti-Assist Garneta: Lv 61 Steelix, Lv 62 Golem
      • Team Anti-Assist Peridot: Lv59 Porygon, Lv 61 Porygon2, Lv 62 Porygon Z
    • That Porygon battle was ridiculous. STAB Analytic Tri Attack would OHKO most things. Anyway, when you get to the top you'll see the Team AA people corner some dude.
    • The Team AA members will tell the girl not to submit her Help Request. They'll challenge you to a battle:
      • Team AA Jasper (doubles): Lv 56 Carbink, Lv 60 Gigalith
      • Team AA Malachite (doubles): Lv 61 Lapras, Lv 62 Gyarados
        • That Lapras has been shooting in the Gym with Ray Allen and doesn't miss any Sheer Colds.....
    • After the battle they'll run off. Talk to the girl to complete the Help request
    • Reward: Mystic Water, $3500
  • Research - "y0, there is resurch 2 b done doe. help?". Sigh.
    • After you accept the request, Dr. Jenkel will appear besides you:
    • He'll tell you weird people have been showing up all over Terajuma Island, and you need to find and interview 7 of them. If you talk to the Purple hair girl, she'll tell you that there are 2 in Kristilline, Two in Telia, One in the Jungle and Two in Kakori Village - you need to do the Kakori Village ones last.
      • Kristilline Town - First one is grandma in the Apartment complex, 2nd is this girl staring at the wall
      • Telia Town: Resident in house on rocky ledge, hiker on the beach
      • Terajuma Jungle: house in clearing where Tropius is
      • Kakori Village: House above Gym

    • They'll all say some strange stuff. Exit the house and the rest of the group will ambush you:
    • Thankfully, Dr. Jenkel will show up to save the day and teleport you back to the Help Centre. Dr. Jenkel will thank you for your help and inform you that the signal is now strongest coming from the Deep Crater and disappear. The quest will be complete, and now the ??? quest will be available.
    • Reward: Up-Grade, and a message from Dr. Jenkel
      • Narcissa's Gym - not sure what the point of this is, there's nothing I could find in Narcissa's Gym....
  • ??? - Yo it's Dr. Jenkel again, stuff is going down at the Deep Crater. HELP!!!
    • Head to Deep Crater (exit on the bottom right of the Kristilline Town map. Deep Crater is literally just a big crater with a house in the middle. There are wild Pokemon here though:
      • Available Pokemon: Beedrill, Carnivine
    • Anyway, head down to the middle of the crater, where Dr. Jenkel will be talking to the 7 folk you found in the previous mission. They'll say some stuff, and then turn into Inkays and disappear:
    • Go into the house, where you'll immediately fall down a chute, and into the Alien Lab. The Inkay will address you and say that you cannot float and therefore won't get far into the base. Dr. Jenkel has other ideas though - go to each side of the room and dismantle the machines - He will create a trampoline out of these to get to the next level
    • On the next level, you'll need to go into both the left and right rooms to grab parts for the machine. The Inkay will have taken control of some Team AA members though, and you'll need to "fight them to their deaths".
      • Team AA Chika: Lv 63 Meganium, Lv 67 Aerodactyl
      • Team AA Edward: Lv 64 Scizor, Lv 69 Scizor
    • Once you have done this, give the parts back to Dr. Jenkel, and he'll get you to the next level. Head into the next room and you'll be confronted by some blue Chicka, who is apparently a Malamar. You'll be thrust into a battle:
      • Tae Kwon Do Girl Malamar: Lv 55 Inkay, Lv 60 Inkay, Lv 66 Inkay, Lv 77 Inkay, Lv 88 Inkay, Lv 99 Inkay
    • After the battle, the Malamar will retreat, the girl will come to her senses - She's the official move Relearner for Aevium Region! She'll be available for you to go to after.
    • Reward: Inkay (get from Rewards girl at the Help Centre)
And that's all for now folks, stay tuned for the next chapter when I start playing through v6....

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