Pokemon Rejuvenation Walkthrough - Part 17 - Rorrim B, Secret Hideout

Gearen City
You'll arrive back at Gearen City, where Melia will suggest you go ahead and scout it out, at which point Aelita agrees and runs off. Melia, however wants to make a quick stop and see Venam first, and convinces you to come with her:
Head over to Venam's house, and go to her room on the second floor. There will be some girly catching up, and blah blah. Melia will ask about Ren, and Venam will tell her He's looking for her (technically true). Melia will kick you out again to catch up with Venam. Guess you'll have to check out Route 3 then...
Head over to the Truck guy, who will take you to either Goldenleaf or Sheridan Village, and proceed to Route 3 from there.

Route 3
Head directly to the Pokemon Centre in the middle of the Route. Surf a little bit upwards, and before you chat to Rorrim B, resuce the little kid on the island first. You can choose the option of sending him to Maman's camp where Mosely is:
Keep Surfing, and you'll find Rorrim B casually hiding in a corner. He'll challenge you to a battle:

  • Disco Guy Rorrim B: Lv 48 Yanmega, Lv 48 Wormadam, Lv 35 Vivillon (Shadow), Lv 48 Accelgor

After the battle, he'll tell you about the secret shore, which is behind Sheridan Village. Conveniently, there is no entrance from Sheridan, and you need to go via boat to get there.
Surf up and find Aelita in the clearing. Tell her about the what Rorrim B said and she won't have a clue where it is. She will however disappear and tell you to meet her at the ship (Standard). Make your way back to the Ship, where you'll have a discussion with Melia and Co., and Augustus will agree to take you to the Secret Shore whenever you are ready. Speak to Augustus to go.

Secret Shore
You'll arrive at Secret Shore, a grassy area with trees and stuff. There are wild Pokemon here:

  • Available Pokemon
    • Grass: Pidgeotto, Makuhita, Kricketot

Enter into the exit on the left, and enter the Sheridan Badlands

Sheridan Badlands
First thing you'll notice is the purple smog covering the area (field effect). Walk left alongst the path and you'll run into Aelita and Melia. Walk between them to start the dialogue - turns out the stuff here is the remaining things from the Caratos Mountain Xen Lab! Theyll briefly discuss Crescent, and then teleport aaway, leaving you here by yourself, which is what friends do nowadays.
Anyway, walk along the path and you'll notice it is blocked. You need to go and activate the blank monitor on the left to lower the shutters. Stepping in the dark patch will initiate a Pokemon battle with a Woobat.
The shutter will lower, and you can continue. Continue on the path to the left to pick up these 5 dusk balls.
Head back and take the route upwards. The path splits here. Head left and switch on the computer screen here to lower the shutters on a bit further on. Actually, just go ahead and switch any computer you find on. There are quite a few items to grab here (NB: I haven't got them all myself, but here are the ones I have gotten)

To continue the stroyline, choose the paths that lead upwards, and you'll eventually arrive at a building, where Ren will be standing in front of the factory building. Speak to Ren, and he'll challenge you to battle....
  • Pokemon Trainer Ren: Lv 49 Sableye, Lv 49 Greninja, Lv 50 Scrafty, Lv 49 Houndoom, Lv 49 Honchkrow
After the battle, Melia and Aelita will finally catch up. Ren will be surprised to see Melia. Melia will question Ren's motives for being here, to which he will reply "I was just travelling and found this spot". He'll then say "You're looking for Crawli right? Come inside", directly contradicting his previous statement. 
Being the fools you are, you agree to go in with him (it;s automated). Melia will pick up on the fact that Ren's story doesn't match up whilst you are walking. Melia will come to the conclusion that Ren is betraying us and double-crossing us for some reason (Smart Girl!).
Anyway, since we're idiots, we don't move from the clearly set up trap. Ren pulls the lever and the crew fall into the room below. CRISS CROSS!!

Shadow HQ
In the next scene, everyone is in a prison. Melia deduces that Rorrim B must have been in on the plan as well, since there has been no trace of Crawli at all. Just as all hope is lost, Crawli jumps in and saves the day!
He legit tosses the grunt into the empty cell next to you and frees the crew. Turns out Crawli has been watching you from his secret spot, and saw you enter the factory. They all agree to leave, but then leave you behind agian. Typical. Before you exit this room, grab the hidden Hyper Potion:
There is a recovery unit in the next room, which is handy. Enter into the next one, and Nastasia will insist on chatting to you.

Apparently during the conversation you punch her in the face, which is nice. She'll question your motives and stuff, and then go back to her desk, keeping her word about not battling you. Exit down the stairs into the next room. Head down the bottom part to grab TM 32 Double Team
Head back up and face the trainers, and grab the items:
  • Team Xen Larie: Lv 46 Slurpuff, Lv 34 Ponyta (Shadow), Lv 47 Girafarig

The Link Heart is especially useful to evolve Pokemon that needs trade evolutions. Go back and heal, then proceed right into the next room.
The next room is huge and divided into sections. It'll be fairy hard for me to describe/draw for you, but basically the aim is to neutralise the Klangs (catch/defeat) to power down the gate on the top right of the room to escape the Shadow HQ. The Klangs are stationed all over the place, there are 5 in total you need to defeat.
As always, there are trainers here:
  • Neo Team Xen Emily: Lv 48 Pelipper, Lv 39 Feebas (Shadow), Lv 47 Pangoro
  • Neo Team Xen Shane: Lv 50 Klang, Lv 50 Steelix, Lv 51 Magneton
  • Neo Team Xen Selena: Lv 50 Gyarados, Lv 50 Zweilous, Lv 51 Dragonair
There are also items:
Once you have defeated the 5 Klangs, a prompt will pop up indicating the door has opened. Make your way to the door and exit.

In the next room, there is a recovery component and a PC, indicating stuff will go down in the next room. Heal up and enter the next room, where Ren has set a trap for you. Nastasia will crown Ren as Xen's newest Executive, and then Ren will challenge you to a battle:

  • Xen Coordinator Nastasia + Xen Executive Ren (Doubles):
    • Nastasia: Lv 49 Ninetales, Lv 50 Chandelure, Lv 57 Deoxys 
    • Ren:  Lv 48 Houndoom, Lv 49 Greninja, Lv 49 Scrafty
    • Strategy: The Ninetales will set up the sun, and they will hit you hard with Fire attacks. That Rain Dance TM you picked up earlier might be useful....Speed Boost Sharpedo also really helps
After the battle, Nastasia will begin to scold Ren, only to be interrupted by Melia, who tells Aelita to stun Nastasia with a kick. Ren will order the Klangs to capture Melia/Aelita, who combine power and take down the Klangs. They'll run away, leaving Ren speechless.
Exit through the door on the left, and then up the stairs, and then back down the front door. You'll arrive in a room, where Crawli is messing around with a machine.
Crawli has shut down the factory's electrical supply, and erased all the data to prevent them from restarting the factory, What a lad. He'll exit and you should follow him. In the next room, flip the switch on the wall to reveal the path back out to the front and exit the building.

Outside, Melia will debrief the crew and Crawli will notice the toxic fog is gone. They'll realise that standing outside the enemies front door isn't a good idea and teleport away. They leave you behind, as usual.
Make your way down the right side path, jumping the ledges till you make it back to the entrance. There is grass here and wild Pokemon I think? (but when there was fog; without fog nothing - someone please confirm this). Pick up the 5 Dusk Balls as well:
There's a computer screen here to activate, but I'm not too sure where it leads to:
Anyway, go back to the entrance. Crawli and Co will be waiting for you outside. Speak to Crawli, and the crew will explain that you need to challenge him for a Gym Badge. He'll be agreeable and meet you back at the Gym.
And just like that, everyone else will disappear as well, leaving you here by yourself. GO talk to Augustus to go back to the Terajuma Island, and make your way to the Gym.

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