Pokemon Rejuvenation Walkthrough - Part 18 - Crawli's Gym, Route 6, Telia Town

Brace Yourselves, this will be a long episode.

Crawli's Gym
This Gym is probably one of the most confusing in the game. The objective of it is to fall from a higher level onto you on the lower levels to break the web that is holding the hole together, and you need to line up all the holes such that your final fall will lead you into Crawli's room.
Here's an explanation by user Letskillup that I have copied from here Here (Pokemon Rejuvenation Puzzles Guide).
The building is initially arranged like this:
_     0      _
1.1 1.2 1.3
2.3 2.2 2.1
3.2 3.1 3.3
4 Panel 3 Panel 1
room room

The rooms that the web can be broken are 2.1, 3.1 and 4.
First break 2.1 web by moving room 1.1 and 2.1 to the center, teleport to the top and drop from 0. This should allow you to go to 3.1, currently closed.
Teleport to the top and jump once more and this should break 3.1 getting you access to panel 3 that allows you to move this room. Teleport to top and reset.
Don't move anything and drop your way down to room 3.2, go to 3.1 and move it to the right so it goes : 3.3 3.2 3.1 and drop, it should go to panel 1. Activate so you can move 0. Teleport to top and reset.
Drop to 3.2 again and move 3.1 to the left. Teleport to top. Drop to 2.3 and move 2.1 to the left. Teleport to the top. Use the control panel in 0 once to move it to the left. It should look like this I think.
0 _ _
1.1 1.2 1.3
2.1 2.3 2.2
3.1 3.3 3.2
4 Panel 3 Panel 0 (it's written floor 1 i think)
room room

This should drop you to to 4, break that web and get you to the gym leader.

If this still isn't clear, I'll try and make a video of this when I get a chance. But yeah, if you manage to figure it out and have an explanation that is easier please comment or let me know somehow (I used the above explanation and got through just fine).

After you cut through the 4th layer f web, you'll arrive in a cave like area. Proceed upwards into the exit. Step forward onto the arena to start the Gym Battle. It'll be conveniently raining on the field so your fire attacks are powered down.

  • Entomologist Crawli: Lv 52 Crustle, Lv 53 Yanmega, Lv 53 Vespiquen, Lv 53 Galvantula, Lv 53 Volcarona, Lv 51 Scolipede
    • Signature Move: Barbed Wire - Weak attack + Sticky Web effect
    • Strategy: Use Flying attacks, particularly Air Slash helps. Otherwise I changed the weather to Sandstorm, stalled that out and then proceeded to sweep with my Pyroar. Stealth Rocks + priority helps a lot as well
After the battle, Crawli will give you the Stagweb Badge. He won't give you a TM though (says he left it in his secret spot in the Sheridan Badlands:
A poster will suddenly appear in on the arena. Crawli will tell you that these have been appearing ever since the Carnivine started causing trouble, and to be care if you face ANgie, the Gym leader of Kristilline Town. As you try and exit the Gym, You'll bump into Aelita, who will be mad jelly of your badges and go for a battle herself.
Outside the building, Melia will congratulate you on getting 6 badges, You will overhear the Rangers talking about hearing a girl on Route 6 screaming profanities and stuff - that must be Saki! Melia will tell them they are incompetent again, and demand they tell her where Route 6 is. She'll tell you to meet her there. Heal up and proceed out the left exit onto Route 6
Route 6
Route 6 is a short route with grassy areas and the entrance to Jirukala Cavern. There are wild Pokemon here:
  • Available Pokemon
    • Grass: Butterfree, Venonat, Spinarak, Oddish, Gloom
On some days, there will be swarms of Hoppip at the cave entrance. Run into one to start the battle  they will be Lv 30.

The girl in the Treehouse will warn you that the Cavern is very dark - Flash helps a lot here, but is not entirely necessary. You can grab Flash back at the Game Corner in Gearen City for 1000 coins. Enter the Cave when you are ready.

Jirukala Cavern
You'll notice Melia waiting for you at a chokepoint. Speak to her, and she'll suggest that you traverse the cavern together. There are wild Pokemon here as per usual:
  • Available Pokemon:
    • Cave: Diglett, Cubone, Bonsly

The path splits into up and down. Up will lead you to Hidden Meadow, which we will come back to later in the game. For now, jump the ledge on the bottom path and proceed down the stairs.
Jirukala B1F
The cave will get super dark here and this is where having Flash is super helpful. There are trainers here to:

  • Hiker Sami: Lv 49 Onix, Lv 50 Graveler, Lv 49 Boldore
You can find a Poke Toy and Health Wing Here:
If you head North, you'll arrive at a ladder that will take you further into Jirukala Cavern.

Jirukala Cavern B2F
This bit is well lit and you won't require Flash. Head upwards, and grab this nice Iron though:
If you keep moving upwards, you'll reach Jirukala Stage, which we will visit later as well anyway so head back down and to the left and go down the stairs, and the next set of stairs. (NB: Fishing here will trigger double fishing battles, which I thought was pretty cool)

Jirukala Cavern B1F
You'll enter into the dark portion of the cave again. Don't step right as you'll go over the ledge and have to repeat the process again. Hug the wall on the bottom/left, and you'll come to a ladder. Go up this ladder:
Exit into the opening below and you'll arrive on the other side of Route 6.

Route 6
As you exit, a Scolipede will jump out in front of you. Melia will act like she predicted this.
Two more will climb down ahead. You'll hear Saki scream for help, at which point Melia acts like the White Girl that gets killed in every Horror Movie, and runs ahead without you. Typical. Head down to see what the fuss is about. Melia will be amused by the fact that the Steel Type Gym Leader can't take down 3 Scolipedes. Everyone will take one Scolipede, leaving you to deal with one as well (Lv 50).
After the battle, Melia and Saki will agree to go see what the next town looks like since Aelita won't be done with her Gym Battle yet. AS you are the weakest link in this friendship, they leave you behind. Go to the top of the map and exit left when you are ready.

Telia Town
As you as you enter, dialogue will begin. Melia will say she's never been here before. Her and Saki will then proceed to run ahead without you. Telia Town is tiny though, here's a mud map of the place:
I'll go through each Resident Houses First
  • R1 - Girl fascinated by watering flowers. Guy grumbling about his Help Request not being completed in Kristalline Town Useless.
  • R2 - Guy in there tells you there is a secret cavern under the area but doesn't tell you where the entrance is. Useless
  • R3 - Woman will be super suss. If you interact with the wall, you'll see a prompt for wimpering noises and that the wallpaper is super thin
    • Bring a Pokemon with Cut to cut the wallpaper. In the next room, you'll find an Electrike.

  • R4 - Woman won't speak to you. Useless.
You can head to the Beach as well, where all the kids will tell you they are scared of the water for some reason. You can find wild Pokemon by surfing or Fishing here:
  • Available Pokemon
    • Surf: Seaking
    • Fish: ??
When you are done exploring, head into Tesla's Villa. She's the lady from the beginner who rescued you from the S.S Oceana when it was attacked. As you approach the entrance, someone will yell "MOM, WHERE IS MY GUITAR"......Uh oh.
You'll run into an argument between Tesla and Amber, the Gym Leader. Harsh words are said, and then Amber will come outside and ask if you want to f*** with her. She'll actually toss you onto the roof of the building (bike and all).

Tesla will come outside and check what just happened. She'll recognise you and let you in the house. Proceed down the stairs and then left down the next set as well. There is a Recovery Component there that you can use since there is no Pokemon Centre in this town. Speak to Tesla, and she'll want to catch up with you.
You'll tell her about your mother, at which point she'll give her condolences. She'll also order her Chef Chavs to whip you up something nice to eat - You get a choice between something Sweet, Tasty, Fresh or Rejuvenating (I chose Rejuvenating since we are playing Pokemon Rejuvenation lel). Melia will finally join your discussion.
Melia will start Fangirling out that she is meeting Tesla, wielder of the Golden Flames. Melia will collect herself and tell you to challenge the Gym. Unfortunately, Tesla doesn't know if Amber is at the Gym. Melia will then send you away to go find Amber whilst she questions Tesla more. The Chef will come back and present you with the meal he made. In my case this was a Revive.
Head outside, and you'll find Saki standing outside the House. She'll warn you about meeting 'the demon" (Amber). Sounds like a lot of people have a problem with Saki here.....
Anyway, head to the Gym, where the guard will be gone. Head inside and talk to him and he'll tell you this:
Go back and chat with Tesla, who will be grateful that you came back to interrupt Melia's questioning. After you tell her she's not at the Gym, she'll tell you that Amber is probably at Jirukala Stage (remember where I said that was before). Get your stuff together and head there now.
Jirukala Stage
Go chat to Amber, who will be standing by herself at the end of the stage. She'll be lovely to you (not really). A dialogue will come up where she'll tell you to be sorry, but both options are not sorry. lol. She'll get super upset with you, and demand that you work for her forgiveness by getting an old CD that her Mom took from her:
Head back to  Telia Town and chat to Tesla, who will reveal she use to live in Gearen City, and took away Amber's favourite DOGERS! CD (Coincidentally also Venam's Favourite).
She'll reveal that she gave the CD to Amer's ex-best friend, who is called Veronica (Venam), and to a girl named Saki. They'll instruct you to go grab the CD because they lazy. Tesla will be a darl and give you access to her own personal Yacht (just a boat, don't get too excited), which you can use to sail to Gearen City to get the CD from Venam.
Whilst you head towards the beach, a strange person will interrupt you.....
Turns out it's Reina, Ren's sister! Apparently he left after having a fight with his mom (so bad that it made him want to join Team Xen....?). There will be a sob story bit where she will say both her Mom and Ren hate her.....sounds like this family needs some therapy. She'll walk off. Head to the port on the beach, interact with the ship to take you back to Gearen City.

Gearen City
The Yacht will take you to Oceana Pier. Head to Venam's house and go upstairs. The CD will be in the middle of the room. Interact with the CD and Venam will come in and freely lose her mind:
She'll get mad and tell her Seviper to slash you in half, before realising that you wanted the CD for AMBER, at which point she will turn green and vow to destroy Amber. She'll run off without the CD, but you won't be able to grab it anyway. Head back to Jirukala Stage to watch the fireworks.

Jirukala Stage
Amber will ask Venam if she brought the CD back, at which point Venam will start launching into some serious trash talk. Venam will attack Amber, and just as Amber is readying a counter attack she steps one step too many sideways and starts cripwalking down the mountain (JK falls).
Venam will JUMP OFF THE MOUNTAIN to save her and asks you to come look for her. Now I'm no expert in science and stuff, but when you jump/fall off a mountain in real life, you die. This is some class 1 Pokemon Logic right here lmao. You'll need to head down to the Hidden Meadow I was talking about earlier.

Hidden Meadow
Besides the fact that Venam and Amber are here, you'll notice there is a shrine to Uxie, which will be useful later on if it ever gets released. Anyway, walk towards them and a dialogue will begin. Venam will ask if Amber is okay (she shouldn't be, she just fell off the side of the mountain but okay). A tree would not break your fall to prevent serious injuries!
They do some more trash talking, and then a poster will appear on the Uxie statue. They'll go on about how the flyers are from Angie, who just showed up one day and claimed she was a Gym Leader or something and no one has called her out on it because she is so religious. They'll head off to Telia Town again and leave you behind.

Anyway, this place will have the same wild pokemon as Route 6. Feel free to check out the place, then make your way back to Tesla's Villa.

Telia Town
As you approach Tesla's Villa, there will be a happy reunion between friends as Saki, Venam and Amber run into each other.
Saki will apparently pull out a massive hammer and swipe at Amber, who skilfully dodges it.
Amber will then take the hammer away from Saki, at which point Melia will enter the frey. Amber will demand to know who she is, and then her, Saki and Venam will get into a huge argument about who is the strongest. They'll break the argument up by giving all the blame on you to choose who the strongest trainer there is.

  • If you pick Venam/Saki/Amber: The others will get offended and then Saki and Venam will team up to beat you to prove that you are wrong. You'll do a double battle against these two ON YOUR OWN.
  • If you pick Melia: The others will get offedned and then Saki/Venam will team up to prove you wrong. Melia will offer her support, and fight alongst you. You'll do a double battle against these two WITH MELIA.
If you want a challenge, then go ahead and pick anyone other than Melia, otherwise I would just go with Melia since this battle is a pain in the ass (especially on Intense Mode). Anyway, after you pick, Amber will suggest you go to the battlefield in Tesla's Villa to settle this. The battle field is upstairs and on the left. Take your place on the arena to start the battle.
  • Rocker Venam (Doubles): Lv 59 Dragalge, Lv 59 Drapion, Lv 60 Muk
  • Engineer Saki (Doubles): Lv 58 Metagross, Lv 59 Aggron, Lv 60 Mawile (Mega)
    • Holy Jesus. Saki is running Mega Mawile. HOLY.
    • If you chose Melia, her Pokemon will be: Lv 52 Pupitar, Lv 52 Zoroark, Lv 52 Gardevoir (Hope), Lv 53 Togekiss (Happiness), Lv 53 Yanma (Faith)
After the battle, they'll start blaming each other for losing. at which point Amber will become thirsty and go for a drink. Just as she is going for it though, a Salamence will appear and take her:
The scene will pan upwards, and will reveal Madelis and Team Xen were responsible for the kidnapping. Tesla be mad tho:
Madelis will try and tighten the screws by telling Tesla to bring Melia to Valor Mountain to exchange for Amber. It will be revealed that the Xen Execs are competing against each other to see who can get promoted. Before Madelis looks more like a fool, she will tell Hypno to put you all to sleep. Must be a strong ass Hypno, since mine can't even hit a Hypnosis to save it's life:

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