Pokemon Rejuvenation Walkthrough - Part 14 - BlackSteeple Prison

BlackSteeple Prison
As soon as you arrive, you'll be at the desk, where the guard will inform you that a signal emitted from serves counter activation of Pokeballs.
Aelita will be Aelita and question why you have been arrested, but won't get an answer, the screen will fade to black and a new screen will show up:

Day 1
You are shown to be locked in a prison cell, with certain other major characters that happen to be in the cell next to yours:
They'll introduce themselves - Valerie, who is the Gym leader of Akuwa Town, Saki, a gym leader and who you are looking for, as well as Adam, who is another Gym Leader. Anyway there's tonnes of dialogue here where everyone catches up and stuff that you can read on your own which I won't bore you with.

After the Conversation, guards appear and take Aelita away to meet the Warden Neven. He'll interrogate her a little bit before becoming incredibly unreasonable and take Aelita away for torturing.
The game will cut back to your prison cell, where they'll all wonder where Braixen is. More dialogue, etc. etc. After that, you'll be transported tot he mining yard of BlackSteeple, where you won't be able to go back inside until you've mined all the rocks. The Guards will give you a mining kit, which is super useful to grab some items:
Mining works just like it did in DPP. For those of you who didn't play DPP, basically tap the wall to try and find the item before the wall collapses.
Anyway, chat to Adam/Saki/Valerie, who will mention they are trying to devise a plan to get off the island.

Mine all the rocks, talk to the guards to go back inside. Afterwards, a cutscene will play of Aelita in the Electrical Rehabilitation Room taking some serious heat.
You'll arrive back inside your prison cell, where the crew will mention that we haven't seen Aelita for a while. They'll mention Braizen, who is snooping around the place for information. A overhead sound thing will call all prisoners to the auditorium, and you'll be transported there. Whilst you are there, the Warden Neved will display Aelita like an animal to tell everyone to cooperate with his investigations:
You'll be transported back to your cells, where Saki will promptly freak out about what just happened.
Braixen will appear and tell everyone everything - the prison is bigger than expected, etc. and that there are more sections to the prison. She'll also mention that there is a certain famous Pop Idol down there:
They'll realise that the Pop Idol is yo mamma. Braixen will then inform them that she managed to snag a Guard Uniform for you to snoop around with. Ultimately you get chosen to do this. Braixen will teleport to your room and change your appearance into that of a guard.
She'll then teleport you outside the cell, and you'll be free to investigate the building. 
The objective at this point is to go up to Neved's room and hear the plans for the prison, but before you do that there are a few things you can do once you reach the auditorium:
  • In the far right room there is a Recovery Component if you need it.
  • In the top right room, keep walking to the right and enter the Electrical Rehabilitaiton Room. Examine the Computer to grab yourself an Upgrade
Proceed out the top elft exit and into the elevator to the 2nd Floor and step through the room. There will be a guard there saying he needs to replace a component in the machine, which happens to be an Lv 23 Voltorb. He'll ask you to fight the Pokemon. You can catch this guy:
Make your way up the elevator again to the 3rd floor and step through. You'll immediately enter a meeting between the guards and Warden Neved. 
He'll reveal the plan: Madame X is coming to BlackSteeple Prison, and is planning on terminating everybody on the island to prevent an uprising since all the strong Pokemon trainers are here. Aelita will be unresponsive to you since you're disguise is that good. 
He'll also mention that the machine suppressing Pokeball activation is faulty, and will instruct one of the guards to fix this. Head back to the elevator, and Braixen will appear and teleport you back to your jail cell.

You'll explain everything to the crew, and Saki will freak out even more. 
Valerie will start to devise a plan. She urges everyone to get some sleep since we are our beach duty tomorrow....how convenient.

Day 2
You'll start immediately on the beach. As usual mine the rocks and grab some nice items. Head up the beach and speak to Valerie, who will inform you Saki and her developed a plan to escape the island:
Her plan is to use the boat Madame X arrives in to escape the island, creating some sort of ambush scenario. Anyway, the Pokeballs are currently disabled, so you'll have to find that machine that's emitting the signal and counter it. Saki will run over and tell you that you need to see something. When you walk over there, Adam will chuffly tell you that he pushed the boulder guarding the entrance to the cave right into the ocean:
Enter the cave.

Cave Under BlackSteeple (for lack of better name)
Talk to Valerie to begin a dialogue, where the crew figure out that the machine is faulty because some parts are missing, and that Pokeballs work inside the cave.:
They'll come to the conclusion that the machine is missing some parts etc., and to go look for it. Head down the cave alongst the path to pick up the Opal Stone.
Go back to the machine and interact with the panel next to Saki. It will prompt you to chuck the Opal Stone on. The machine will start working, and will have the option to drain:
When you activate the machine, you'll notice the lake in the middle of the room drain, revealing more things to explore:
Finish the dialogue. where the crew will suggest that we go and explore. Multiple Slowpoke will poke out of the holes - you can battle/catch these (Calm Mind Slowbro is nice). Head around the path to pick up this Max Potion + Star Piece as well:

Catch/Defeat the Slowpokes if you wish, and then head down the stair case. Walk down to start the next set of dialogue, where the crew will discuss how to get into the next section since it's guarded. Adam, the biggest badass in the group volunteers to go beat up the gaurd. He's actually pretty successful:
Enter through the next set of doors and through the next set. You'll arrive in the room your Mother is being held in. Talk to Valerie to begin the conversation:
Valerie will explain that they can't release the prisoners yet, and will do so tomorrow. Nancy will agree with her and wish you guys luck. You're transported back to the Starting Cave, where the crew will notice there are other people here, and plan an attack:
Approach the guards, and Valerie will join you. You fight a guard in a battle:
  • Prison Guard Emilie: Lv 45 Abomasnow, Lv 44 Ambipom, Lv 46 Whiscash
After the battle, Adam will volunteer to "take care" of these two. What a nice guy. He'll come back and tell everyone that the other guard had the other gem. He puts it in the machine and the whole machine will work at which point Valerie will come over and disable the signal. Saki will poop the party by saying we gotta leave now.
The crew will leave. Before you do though, go and check one of the guards bodies to grab a real nice Rare Candy:
Walk back to the start of the beach and talk to the Guard to return to your cell.

Day 3
This is the day you break out. Valerie will summon her Lapras to break down the doors for you to escape, and will freeze the Prison Guard that comes and tries to stop you:
You are instructed to go get Aelita, who is being held by the Warden Neved on the 3rd Floor. Walk through the doorway and you'll see Lapras has frozen the other guards as well. Proceed through the next set of doors. There are a few battles here, and including the next few rooms which I'll list here. Don't go into the left top entrance yet since that will trigger an event battle:

  • Prison Guard Jenkins: Lv 46 Seismitoad, Lv 47 Gastrodon, 
  • Prison Guard Frank: Lv 44 Gourgeist, Lv 45 Sliggoo. Lv 46 Pidgeot
  • Prison Guard Nevil: Lv  46 Masquirain, Lv 47 Magneton
  • Prison Guard Dylan: Lv 45 Venasaur, Lv 45 Charizard, Lv 46 Blastoise
In the next room, Madelis will ambush you as soon as you walk in. She'll challenge you to a battle:
  • Xen Operative Madelis: Lv 46 Houndoom, Lv 47 Skuntank, Lv 46 Shiftry, Lv 48 Zweilous, Lv 47 Sharpedo
After the battle, Madelis will be mad and run away. Proceed up the elevators into the 3rd Floor and enter the room. Warden Neved will be expecting you and challenge you to a battle:
  • Xen Warden Neved: Lv 46 Weavile, Lv 47 Aurorus, Lv 49 Barbaracle, Lv 47 Gastrodon, Lv 48 Froslass, 
After the battle, Neved will be mad, and Aelita will get mad and send her Mienshao out to mess Neved up. She'll tell you to wait outside.
Go to the Ground Floor and proceed to the exit. Make sure you heal your Pokemon if you are planning on winning this battle.  Talk to Valerie, who is standing at the exit, who will ask where Aelita is. She'll exit the door after. When you do, it will cut back to Aelita, who has Neved in the Electrical Rehabiliation Room. She'll fry his ass:
It'll cut back to the outside, where your Mum will greet you and give you all that sweet talk. You'll make your way down to the bottom of the Map, and talk to Valerie. She'll suggest we leave, but not before Madame X makes her grand appearance. 
Madame X will be confused and stuff, hen realise that you are the source of all the problems here. Valerie will realise she didn't arrive by boat and lose hope, but then a PRESENT appears in front of Madame X
The present happens to be Nim who is still completely bat crap crazy. She'll try and hold Madame X together with her Psychic Power. It will seem to work as first, but the Madame X will break out. She'll proceed to kill all the copies of Nim, then just as she is about to slay Nim, Togekiss will show up and Aura Sphere Madame X. The Togekiss will then be revealed to me Melia's:
 Melia will threaten Madame X and stuff. They'll trash talk a little bit, and Melia will reveal that she brought a boat with her to get everyone off the island. She'll order you away whilst she deals with Madame X. Madame X however doesn't like this idea, and will teleport to you with her blade Shenketsuken, and stab you:
Only after the cut scene, it is revealed your Mum jumped in front of the blade for you. She has a few dying words and is then tossed unceremoniously aside. Madame X will then come at you again.....but for a Pokemon Battle????
  • Xen Dictator Madame X: Lv 100 Yveltal, Lv 100 Goodra, Lv 100 Garchomp, Lv 100 Volcarona, Lv 100 Salamence, Lv 100 Hydreigon
    • You are suppose to lose this battle
    • You can win through either:
      • Using Cheat Engine and getting a few Lv 100s yourself and tanking through
      • One guy on YouTube used DoubleTeam/BatonPass to a Simple Woobat and won that way. This also requires a lot of luck
After the battle, she'll laugh at how weak you are (If you lost), or concede defeat (If you won). Melia and Nim will jump in and freeze Madame X with her Psychic Power. You are transported into the Dock. Walk out and follow the map down to the boat and talk to Valerie. Aelita and Melia will both arrive and the ship will sail off.....

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