Pokemon Rejuvenation Walkthrough - Part 13 - Wispy Ruins, Route 4

Wispy Ruins
As soon as you enter the cave, a cutscene will play of Geara, who is now trapped in the Distortion World. You'll find she isn't alone.....
The scene will end and you'll be able to continue through Wispy Ruins. As always, there are wild Pokemon here + a nice selection of fishing Pokemon:

  • Available Pokemon
    • Walk: Bibarel, Boldore, Roggenrola, Graveler
    • Fish: Corphish (Good Rod), Barboach (Old Rod)
Head right, up the stairs.platforms, making sure you grab the Elixir on your way:
Up the stairs, you'll find trainers.
  • Punk Rudey: Lv 38 Pikachu, Lv 38 Raichu, Lv 39 Electrode
  • Hiker Jeremie: Lv 38 Graveler, Lv 38 Graveler, Lv 39 Onix
Follow the path out to Route 4. You'll see a Mime Jr. near the exit that you won't be able to do anything with just yet:
Route 4
As soon as you step outside, a mystery package will present itself to you:
The package is revealed to be Nim, who has official gone crazy. She'll duplicate herself into many copies, and will then teleport away. You need to track down all the copies of Nim in order to proceed. This would be tedious for me to screenshot all of them, so be meticulous and go and interact with all of them, even the ones you can't see:

There are wild Pokemon here as well as a trainer:
  • Available Pokemon
    • Grass: Meowth, Tranquill, Sunflora, Karrablast, Deerling
  • Mistress Sissy: Lv 38 Delcatty, Lv 38 Persian
After you approach all the Nims and make them disappear, the Nurse Joy (who is actually Nim) blocking the path will turn back into Nim. She'll do the crazy warping thing again and challenge you to another battle:
  • Apprentice Nim: Lv 44 Lunatone, Lv 45 Solrock, Lv 43 Malamr, Lv 42 Duosion, Lv 44 Meowstic
After the battle, she'll mope about not really expecting to beat you and transport you back to Route 4. She'll leave a present for you, which turns out to be a Bicycle!
Proceed ahead down the route and a pop-up will say "Analysing Opponent". Heal at the Red Crystal Thing if need be.
These little dialogues will keep popping up as you head through the route. Sometimes they will hinder your progress by placing rocks in your way, which is a huge d*** move. Anyway, more trainers on this route:
  • Punk Max: Lv 42 Raticate, Lv 40 Linoone, Lv 41 Mightyena
  • Fragrant Lady Sheila: Lv 39 Exeggcute, Lv 40 Tangela
Examine this fountain to grab the Brass Key:
At the Top Left of the map you'll find Mosely trying to get into his house, but then remembering that he threw his Key away:
Speak to him again and he'll recognise the Brass Key you found early was the Key he threw away and invite you inside:
Turns out he lives in an orphanage run by a lady called Maman, She'll explain that this small forest grove is where all the orphaned children go, and will advise you to 1) donate money to her, 2) direct any lost kids to this area. Basically if you give enough money the camp will expand and have new areas and such. I will cover this quest later
You can fish here for now:
  • Available Pokemon:
    • Fish: Goldeen (Good Rod)

Anytway, exit back onto Route 4 and take the path to the right (the stone should disappear as you walk near it. When you approach the exit, you'll be ambushed by grunts from Team Neo Xen, who are "more superior to their normal counterparts". They will challenge you to a battle:
  • Dyanmic Duo Kuret and Lunaria: Lv 46 Alakazam, Lv 45 Azumarill, Lv 46 Vaporeon, Lv 45 Zoroark
After the battle, they will escape diligently and efficiently. Walk into the Gate and meet up with Aelita, She'll scurry off. Exit the gate and into Akuwa Town. 

Akuwa Town
As soon as you step into Akuwa, you'll notice Aelita tending to an old man who seems to be unconscious. 

She'll notice that he isn't breathing, and request that you go to the Pokemon Centre to grab a Defibrillator. Head up the first stair case you see and grab the Defibrillator Pack from the Pokemon Centre:
Head outside and grab this Hyper Potion whilst you are here (NB no one is in the houses so there isn't much point checking them now_:
Head back and talk to Aelita, who will use the defibrillator successfully on the Old Man. He'll have some memory issues, but ultimately be super unuseful. Aelita will head off towards the Gym. Before you go though, You can grab the King's Rock on the beach:
There's also a Corsola just chilling out on the beach. You'll need to give it a GourmetTreat for it to interact with you:
Before you head to the Gym, MAKE SURE YOU'RE SQUAD IS READY. YOU WON'T HAVE ACCESS TO A PC FOR A VERY LONG ARC OF THE STORY FROM HERE ON OUT AND THERE IS ONE PARTICULARLY CRAZY BATTLE COMING UP AS WELL. This is the point where you might want to google how to duplicate Rare Candy on YouTube as you will face a team full of Lv 100s that you are suppose to lose to, but if you want to win, will need some yourself. 

Anywa, approach the Gym and Aelita will come out and tell you something is strange, and the Gym battle was super easy. She'll tell you to get the badge and stuff
Enter the building and you'll see a greenish figure guarding the door way. Talk to her and she'll challenge you to a battle:
  • ?Marine Biologist Valerie: Lv 44 Alomomola
After the battle, she'll mention that the badge it waiting outside. Go outside, and Aelita will tell you that the badge she was given isn't the official Aevium badge since the paint is coming off.
The two shady figures who were lurking close by will spring to life and arrest you for no reason at all.
Get ready for some insane action (lel), as you are arrested and transported to BlackSteeple Prison.

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