Ways you can improve your brain power in a week

The human brain is the most mysterious organ in our body. Scientist keep learning new facts about its work, but it still hides alot of secrets. Thats why im writing this blog to aquaint you with some of the greatest discoveries of the last few years in the field of brain research.
There are a few simple ways to boost your intellect and brain power. These tips will surely surprise you.

7) Chronic Lack Of Sleep Worsens Memory:
Scientists have found that a lack of sleep can worsen memory and cause Alzehimer's. During a good night sleep, the brain cells removes toxic compounds dangerous for our brains. If a person never gets a good and full night sleep, it will have a devastating effect on the brain cell.

6) Prolong Stress Destroys The Brain:
A decrease in memory, in the ability to learn - self control - these are the concicouncess that choronic stress is front with. Also, it contributes to a person feeling irritated, anxious, tensed, and often being distracted.

5) Love And Hate Have A Lot In Common:
Scientists have found that love and hate, both originate in the same brain areas. However, unlike hatred, love significantly reduces the activity of the areas responsible for judgement and logical thinking.

4) The Brain Is Sensitive To DeHydration:
Over brain is almost eighty percent (80%) water, therefore, even a moderate loss of fluid about two percent (2%) reduces concentration and vigilance and leads to deterioration of short-term memory and other cognitive abilities.

3) The Abundance Of Sugar In A Diet Worsens Memory And Reduces Abilty To Learn:
The abundance of fructose in the diet slows down the brain and reduces its ability to learn, remember information, and comcentrate. This is because the excess sugar destroys the neuro connections in the brain. Scientists emphasise that industrially made sugars are much more harmful (Added to soft drinks, seasoning, sauses and baby food). However, products that contain Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, nuts, and fish oil removes the concequence of the disorder.

2) Painting Improves The Work Of The Brain:
A study has shown that painting and contemplation of works of art improves the interaction between brain areas while slowing its ageing. Scientists  studied the influence of art on people aged 62-70 years old. Half of them took a course in Art history while the other half took a course in painting. Painting class gave a stronger result than Art history. 

1) Reading Trains The Brain:
Oxford scientists have studied and proved that the process of reading helps train the brain and also train the overall cognitive ability of the brain. It also helps activate such areas of the brain that arent used at other times. While reading, blood enters those areas of the brain that are responsible for concentration and cognition. 
This effect however doesnt occur when watching T.V or playing video games.

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