How to sleep better at night

We all love sleep, but most people dont get enough of it.
Each year an average person loses 11 days worth of productivity from lack of sleep. This sleepiness can lead to memory loss, diffuclty in concentrating, and lack of motivation. An average adult needs between seven to eight hours of sleep at night, but the quality of sleep matters too.
Here are a few tips for getting the best rest possible.

1) Cool down your room:
The best sleep on averge happens when the surrounding environment is around 65 degrees Fahrenheit or ____ C and you might fall asleep faster if you warm your body up just before bed. Coming out for example, a warm shower into a cooler room causes a slight decrease in your body's temperature that can help make you drowsy by slowing down your metabolism. 
Even if you're tucked under a warm blanket, researchers have found that a cool head is condusive to better sleep.

2) Use Light:
Next, use light to your advantage. Your body has a natural sleep cycle regulated by exposure to light, so in the morning, get yourself a nice doze of light to tell your brain that its time to wake up.
An hour before bed, dim lights and turn off screens. This ques your brain to prepare for sleep.

3) Sniff some herbs:
Finally if you want to really get serious about good sleep, you can incorporate herbs into your night time routine. You can either breath in lavender oil before bed or put a lavender pillow on your eyes while you sleep. Now this may sound very new-agey but the controlled trials done with lavender as a sleep aid actually backups its benefits. The effect is likely stronger if you use lavender with some other relaxing evening routine like journaling or meditating.

So, give these tips a try and see if better sleep can help improve your life during the day.

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