Use spotify on your Android completely free anywhere (heres the trick)

Spotify is a music streaming application which allows you to stream unlimited music with liitle to no buffers. It is so highly incredible that the music doesnt lag no matter how fast you skip it. Plus it has all sort of music and the musicians all around the world use it. But the thing is, it costs people around $10 dollars and most of the people dont even have access to it because they dont live in the desired area spotify wants.
Heres a complete trick to not only download spotify, but also stream music in it completely free.

Heres what you got to do. But remember, it only works with androids. 

Step 1:
Click on this link from your Android and download the apk.

Step 2:
While your apk downloads, go to your settings -> scroll down and click on 'security' -> next click and check on 'unknown sources'.

Step 3: 
Next after the download has been comoletely, click on download and install the apk.

Click the install button written below.

Step 4:
Now after the app has been installed, you will have an app with a beta on it like this.

Step 5:
Now step 5 is that you cant really access it if you're outside the united states or anyother following regions. Ill provide you with the link that has a list of countries where spotify works.

Now if you dont have your country mentioned in the link.
Heres what you have to do. An extra step.

Go to your 'play store' -> in the search option, write " best vpn" and download this application. (you can delete it afterwards when your work is done)

Step 6:
Now after this app has been downloaded, open it and pick a country of your choice. 
For example, pick 'France' because i like France and hit connect.

Now after it has been connected go to spotify 

and do  "signup"
Enter your Email, password, a unique username, Date of birth and gender and hit signup.

And you're in. Dont forget your Email and password. And now you can use spotify without VPN so you can just uninstall that app. Also, if you get logged out, to log in back to your account, you would need the help of VPN. If you have signed up with The country France, use VPN choosing France as the country. If anything else, then use that.

Thankyou and be sure to follow me for more posts. Leave a comment down below if you have any problem or a suggestion.

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