I wish i was two

I've had problems keeping up with life and sometimes i wish that either there should be more hours in a day or that there should be two me's. Another me, completely identical, sharing the same thought. 
That would be so cool. I would no longer require being in need of a company of a friend when feeling lonely. He would be the best advisor, a best friend, and would always have my back. 
There are down sides to it, like i probably have to share my room, we might start fighting over something and end up hating each other, an increase of burden on my mum. You know what? Im just trying to brainstorm the negatives for having an another me. But from what i think, there are more plus sides than there are down. I would have another person to play video games with, have a discussion with, two people solve maths better than one. God! Life would get so much better. Might also fill up for me in college or we could even go together. Weird but cool. It would be like a personal assistant of some sort and would stop me from making weird decisions. Also help me in building my career, or we could even start a band. Theres just so many things, can't even imagine, but i just wish. I dont know, but i really wish. 
Ill be waiting for my twin, hoping it pops out from the sky, lands infront of me and go like, "hey, Aatif! im Aatif 2.0" and "let the game begin". 

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