how your college/uni plays an important part in devloping your personality
College and university plays an imporant and vital role in developing your personality.
Dont take it as just a source of getting a degree. Take it like a factory. You enter from the left and when you get out from the right, you come out as a well groomed person with a shaped personality.
People who miss classes either because they work and/ or afterwarfs are too exausted to attend, they need to attened their classes. Missing out wouldnt do them any hood.
Theyll be at home, watching tv, news that keeps on repeating, a match or sleep, or could be anything, but the thing is, it wont do you any good.
If they attend atleast, they might learn a thing or two that will help them in their practical life. Even aquiring atleast 20% of knowledge would help them.
So it is recomended not to miss classes.
The teachers in college/uni are always very helpful. Theyll also sometimes go out of the box to help you. For instance, there was this one time where my classes were finished but a chapter wasnt quite complete. So the teacher said that if extra classes wouldnt be possible then i can also come to a house and teach, everyone decide a place and gather there.
So thing is, teachers also respects and honours the money you have spent in college and wouldnt just say something like, 'nahh classes are over now, come back next year'
They'll take out time from their personal life to help you.
And this happens in every college so dont be like, nah my college is small or my teachers are crappy, they arent. You can always ask them.
Now this one is my own personal thing that iv experienced, that college wouldnt work for you unless you work with it.
By that what i mean is, you need to practice whatever you have learned throughout the day and not just go home and be like, "ill remember it" because to be honest, you dont. Practicing is vital.
Street smarts is what you get by experience and it is also essential because you cannot work according to the line, you need to find a way and go out of the box sometimes, and its not bad at all. It is necessary.
I would conclude this by saying, take life as a challange. Life is never easy, some are born with a golden spoon in their mouth, but dont look at them, their life is as much fair and unfair to them as yours is, its just different thats all.
path to sucess is filled with blood and sweat and if you fall down, get up.
Theres this quote by Marthin Luthet King Jr.
"If you cant fly then run, if you cant run then walk, if you cant walk the crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."
Learn from others aswell and dont hesitate to take risks.
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