Is Grand Theft Auto V worth playing?

I just recently completed grand theft auto V and I must say, it is by far the best video game that I have ever played. No matter which console or PCs you're playing it on, you must try it. It's worth your money honestly. 
The reason for me writing this review so late was because I wasn't quite sure if I want to buy it or not but after I did, I cleared away all my other games and day and night was only into gta V. 
The beautiful gameplay and scenery just gets you galvanised. It's something you have never seen before in a video game. My previous best game was Zelda, I played it on DS and that always tooled my list for the best adventure game but now that spot has been taken by GTA-V.

Now I don't wanna give out any spoilers or anything but here's a bit of information of what the game is about. The game starts of with you robbing a bank with two more people and after a crazy situation that occurs the team breaks up and afterwards reunited, well almost, and at the end prepares to rob the biggest bank of the planet and make history. 
They also ask you questions for how you want to continue the heist missions or who you want to kill (oops), and well that's how the story rolls. 
So it's all basically that and there are other fun side missions with it. I would definetely prefer this if you haven't played it yet.

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