Let's see what my brother broke today

So me and my brother had a fight but obviously he started it. He lost in a game and I won the championship, I beat him atleast four times after and he still wanted a rematch, I refused to give anymore rematches to him so he hit me. That bitch.

Later on he kept screaming and fighting and well first he broke, a 'glass' by throwing it onto the ground which nearly hit me. The glass did break though, completely shattered. He stepped on it afterwards accidently because he was running after me. Bloody hell.

Broke the door because he kept pounding and hitting it with his feet while screaming. The neighbours came up, he told them off. Said when you guys fight, I never interrupt. The fuck?!

He broke my mom's round bowl in which she was making lemon pickle. The whole bowl, bam, broken and spilled on the ground. Like literally, it was outrageous. Now I'm not gong to tell what my mum did afterwards. She slapped the shit out of him, that's what she did. 

He broke our chair by slamming it onto the ground. A steel chair broken, can you believe that? I can show you the pictures but then that would just be sad, would take the climax out of the post. 

Cracked the iPod screen, bumped the car, squeezed a lightbulb, cracked a glass table, broke the table fan, plates, cup, reputation and well everything else in between. Damn there should be a movie over this.  

I actually wanted my life to be normal as fuck. This normal is what I get. 

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