Lessons Taken From One Of Imran Khan's Most Recent Interviews in 2018
Senin, 26 Februari 2018
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* In 2007 there was a lawyers movement which was for "Adlia ki Azadi" meaning, "Freedom of Courts". Before that, whatever government used to dictate, the courts had to do.
* In democracys, there is a thing called "seperation of power", meaning; for example, courts has its own role to play and so does the parliament. parliament cannot take over the role of courts, and courts give justice.
* New UNICEF's report reads that;
- Pakistan leads in the number of child deaths in the world. Even more than Africa.
- Most of those deaths come from unclean water
- Also in Pakistan, women dies the most at the time of delivery.
* Parliament's job; Public Representatives.
"Awam ki mafadat ki hifazat krna"
Now when asked about his personal life and marriage. What he sees in a girl. His prefrences, khan replied,
* You will like a person whose
(1) Character attracts you.
-Now character has many parts
(i) Honest (Sacha)
(ii) Not Selfish (khudgarz nhi hona)
(iii) Generous ( Sakhi dil)
(iv) Brave/Fearless (Dalair)
(v) Selfless
(2) Intelligence, mind (Zehn)
(3) The third and the least a person should see in another is "Physical Attraction".
* When answering question about how the libral groups targetted Khan's marriage.
He had this to say: Liberals wont ever impose their views on others.
Rather, they think like what ever a person wants to do, its their personal choice.
* Gunine liberals in Pakistani History
-Allamah Iqbal
* In Pakistan, they are "pseudo Liberals".
-They are those people who Ali Shariyati (a scholar from Iran) refers as "Maghrib Zady"
-They see our society from West's point of view.
- Whatever The West says, they consider correct.
- They are the slaves of West's culture.
- That is actually the biggest reason of Colonialism.
- You become selfconcious being a pseudo liberal.
"-West is everything and you or us (Pakistanis) are left behind".
Coming back to the question of partner prefrence;
-Any person would pay most attention to the physical beauty but physical beauty is a thing that ends the quickest.
-physical beauty is like a painting.
-for example, you hamg it up and view it everyday
- Slowly you start seeing it once a week
-then, once a month
-then its left for that time when people from outside comes and you show them.
-So it doesnt really last long
- So the main thing in a human is its character and mind.
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