"I wish someone told me this when i was young"

If you read and take action, i can help you change your future.
The following few moments may very well change your life. I wish someone had told me this when i was your age.
You can change the day if you redefine success you feel.

"When i was growing up, i lied to people to accept me because i didnt accept myself. So i would make up stories so you would accept me into your world.
Everything i did was for someone else to like me. I had to make a change in my life, i was on an all time low and i wasnt going any where and i was exactly where everybody said i was gonna be, which was nothing. So i had to make a change.

The feeling i had every morning when i looked in the mirror was horrible and i did'nt want to feel like that anymore. All i felt was a kid going nowhere and a kid that was scared and most kids would accept that and look for help, but the best thing that happened to me was that no one helped me. No one felt sorry for me.

As humans we want to find out how to be someone else. What we do is we dont go inside. Litrally turn yourself inside out. Read the book like, we're writing a book every day of our lives but we never read that book. You have to look inside of yourself to see what you really want and what you're passionate about."
- David Goggins

"Your soul is screaming for you to answer your true calling
- You can change the day if you redefine success you feel.
- You can transform your damanaged relationships and build new ones.
- You can forgive yourself and others who have hurt you.
- You can become a leader by mentoring with others who you aspire to be awake. - You can rebalance your priorities and life.
- you can heal your marriage and recreate a stronger love than you ever thought possible.
- you can become the best parent possible at any age, even at 86.
But dont wait until then. You will always be able to make more money but you cannot make more time."
-Morgan Freeman

"After years of repetitive work, you will often need to dig hard to find your passion, redefine your dreams and revive hobbies that you left atrophy to near extinction.
The goal is not to simply eliminate the bad that does nothing but leave you in a vacuum but to persue and experience the best in the world."

"We all have dreams and its very scary sometimes to accept the dream that you have and scarier still to say i want that.
Its scary because you know that if you put your heart and soul into it and if you fail, how are you gonna feel about yourself. So being fearless means putting your self out there and just go for it. Not for anybody else but for Yourself."
-Kobe Bryant

"We're all great. No matter if you're dumb no matter if you think you're fat, no matter if you are fat, no matter if you have been bullied or you dont have no arms or legs, no matter what, we all have greatness. It just, you've got to find the courage. You got to find the courage to put your bose headphones on and silence the noise of this world and to find it. And to find it because its out there and to find it, it takes hard work, courage, self descipline. It takes all the non-cognitive skills to be great."
-David Goggins

What do you want to be remembered for? What can you do for others to make this world a better place? What is your true purpose on this earth?
We are all dying but only a small select few are truely living. You can step out of the shadow into the light for mental greatness. You are meant for more than  just what you do for a living. You are an enternal being meant to inspire and help the world. Lets go right once and for all in this lifetime.
Your brain and your body once connected together can do anything. If you want to be the best and that, if you want to be at the pinnacle of that, you must be and you have to be obsessed without tamed.
You can't short-change with yourself. You're cheating nobody but yourself.
I mean you're tired but you're this far away from the line, why wont you go a little more to touch the line?

Never give up, regardless of how challenging your destiny in life would be. The world really needs you now than ever.

If there is no joy when you wake up in the morning, if you dread the sound of the alarm clock going on, if you feel stagnant, if you have this thought in your head that there has got to be more to life than just this, you kow what you should do? You should stop doing whatever it is you're doing. You will become exceptional the moment you make an exceptional decision. The only thing that changes your life is changing your decision.
You have to be so clear in your mind what you have to do and what you have to achieve.

" For me, it doesnt work without any goals, it doesnt work without any targets, i cannot compete properly."
-Roger Federer

Commitment is when you know after you have decided you commit to do this for a long term whether it is hard or easy, it doesnt matter. You are doing this.
If you're having a difficult time with something, or your relationship is where you did'nt want it to be, or your finances are where you did'nt want it to be, or your body is where you dont want it to be, or your business is where you dont want it to be, you need to take massive action and if that doesnt work, try something else and if that doesnt work, try something else. Keep going with massive action and you will find a way because it will give you momentum.

You have to be able to see what does not exist. You need to pull off and acieve in what other people's mind seems to be impossible.

I want you to know something here, the bigger the dream is, the harder the drive.
The bigger your dream is, the early you have to get up. The bigger your dream is, the longer you have to stay up. The bigger your dream is, more effort you have to put in.
You'll never see it for those of you who are 70% beast mode and 30% gazelle, thats just enough for the other person to out do you.
Listen to me. Thats just enough for the other person to get what you want.
I want you to think about those goals, i want you to taste them, i want you to internalize it, i want you to dream your dream because i want you to feel it. I want you to taste it. I want you to be how when the weather is changing you can feel it, i want you to feel when you're getting closer to it and closer but more importantly i want you to know when you dream your dream there are other people that are dreaming the exact same dream. You are not the only person who wants to accomplish that goal you dream of.
So i want you to ask yourself, what do you do when a thousand other people want exactly what you want?
What do you do when you're not the only one who wants to make million dollars a year in your company?
You're not the only one who wants to be the president, you're not the only one who wants to be the CEO and you're not the only one who wants what you want.
There are thousands of other people who want what you want and you have to put work them.
You got to out grind them, you have to get up earlier and you have to stay up later. You got to execute and you got to go from 7 to a 120.
if other people are putting in 40 hour work weeks and you're putting in 100 hout work weeks, you will achieve in four months what they will achieve in an year.

Stop crying and keep hustling. Husstle is the most important word. Ever.
If you want this, if you're miserable or if you dont like it and you dont want to do something else, you have passion somewhere else, work 9-5 spend a couple hours with family. 7-2 in the morning is plenty of time to do damage. And you try to build you equity, your brand or whatever you're trying to accomplish. After hours. Everybody has time, stop watching lost.

If you really have a drive and you really put your heart and sould into something, you can really make anything happen.

"Why dont you just prove everybody wrong?, you know what i mean? I wanted to make it and i was going to make it regardless of what anybody said"

"This thing you're doing it for your self. You're not doing it for anybody else. Yes your family supports you and yes your friends support you but you're at the end of the day, you're doing it for your self."
-Usain Bolt

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