Get better at anything. Try the "10,000 Hours rule"

How many hours would per day would you recommend to work at a particular skill ? In totaly per week, to become outstanding at something.

Now a while ago in this famous book "outliers" Malcolm Gladwell came up with a 10,000 hours rule. This theory was that if you spent 10,000 hours working on something then you will get to Masterclass level. He gave examples of the beatles who toured Germany in the early 60's and built up their 10,000 hours of practice and Bill Gates who got his first computer as a young teenager and spent over 10,000 hours programmming on it. But do you actually need to spend 10,000 hours to become world class at a particular skill? 
So here is my three thoughts on it.

You can spend hours and hours and hours and hours working at something and if you're not passionate about it, you're not going to become master class level.
Just think about when you are in school, there are some subjects that you love, and some subjects that you hate and no matter how much time you spent on the subject that hate, your growth would grow so slowly and painfully, but the subject that you love and genuinely intrested in, you would learn so much faster. 
And thats the problem with most people today, they are working the jobs that they hate. They graduated with whatever degree entered the workforce and they spent 10, 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years in a company that they hate. 
You can spend 10 years in a company and never get that big promotion, never get to be the CEO, or anywhere close to where even though you spent the 10,000 hours plus 20,000 hours and even 30,000 hours, you're never getting to the level you want to be because you're not passionate enough about it. If you are genuinely intrested in the subject you are learning, you are going to pick it up much more quicker than the one you are forced to do something that you hate. 

The fastest way to pick something up and the fastest way to learn a new skill is to model success. Get a coach, get a trainer or get a teacher. You need to get somebody to show you the ropes. The slowest way to figure something out is to try to understand that yourself and make all the mistakes other people have already made. So 10,000 hours trying to struggle to figure it all out for yourself may be equivalent to 500 hours of being taught by a professional and how to do it.
So not all hours are created equal. If you model success and learn from the best, you'll achieve results alot faster than someone who tries to do everything themsef. 

So my third point is that, why do you really care? I ask this because if you're asking how many hours it takes to get really good at something, how many hours you need to dedicate in your week to get good at this particular skill, then it kindof tells you that you're not really that intrested in learning the skill.
If you really want to get better at something, then you should feel like you're getting lost in it. Like you could wake up in the morning and start working on it and then look up and its already six o'clock at night and you're not keeping track of the hours to say " ohh only hundred more hours untill i get really good at this". Its like a man who opened up a business just to make alot of money. You find that they never do. They struggle and struggle and they tell themselves that if i keep this struggle up then eventually ill make my millions of dollars. But they never get there because they never loved it in the first place. 
You should want to get better at that skill, it should drive you, it should fuel you and it should make you happy and excited to learn and get better. 

So if you have a number in your head like that's your end goal, like when i get to that number of hours then i'll become really good and im going to achieve success, that's the wrong way to look at it. Instead you should find a skill or goal that you really want to get better at, something where you stop tracking the hours, something that you can really have a positive impact on the world with.
And if that's your intention and you work hard at it, you will achieve masterclass level.

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